Lake Eddins Owner's Association, Inc.

27 Lake Eddins 1638 Pachuta, MS. 39347


A quiet, private, lakeside community with friendly neighbors!

LEOA office hours:  8 a.m. to 4 p.m. Mon-Fri.

Telephone:  601-727-3535

Fax:  601-727-3536

Email:  leoa@bayspringstel.net  

Jasper County Sheriff:  601-764-2588

Lake Manager:
Phil Fuller:  601-604-1412

First Responders:
Randle McCraw:  601-513-3040
Robert Buckalew:  601-323-7918
Cathy Hennington:  601-297-7805

Local Utilities:
TEC Telephone Co:  601-764-2121
Southern Pine Electric:  601-785-6511


Copyright 2007 Lake Eddins Owner's Association, Inc.  


Lake Eddins Volunteer Fire Department News:

LEVFD meets the second and fourth Tuesday at 6:00 p.m. of each month.  Come to a meeting, meet our volunteers, and see if you would be interested in becoming a member of the LEVFD.

2022 Officers:  
Fire Chief: Butch Stokes
Assistant Fire Chief: Robert Buckalew
Secretary: Jay Chapman
Treasurer: Charles Burrier

The Lake Eddins Volunteer Fire Department Potluck Supper will be the first Saturday of each month, except January will be the 8
th at 6pm.

If you have any questions, please call
Butch Stokes at 225-333-1422

Notices & Announcements


Lake Eddins Owners Association has partnered with iCheckGateway.com to provide you with the option of making a credit/debit card payment. A non-refundable payment fee of 3.5% of the transaction amount ($2.95 minimum fee) for credit/debit card payments is charged by iCheckGateway.com to cover the processing costs associated with handling credit/debit card payments.

Two separate transactions will appear on your statement:
one transaction for your payment and one transaction for the payment fee.

To make online payment click here:


2022 - 2023 Board Members

Vickie McKee, President

Davey Dewitt, II, Vice President

Jerry (Jay) Perkins, III Secretary/Treasurer

James Skidmore

David Coney

Cody Woodrick

Erroll Panzeca

If you have a structure on your property you are required to obtain a 911 address.  Please post your 911 address next to the road, so emergency personnel can find you in the event of an emergency.  The green plates to put your numbers on are available at the Fire Dept.  Contact Robert Buckalew @ 601-323-7918.

Effective September 01, 2015, LEOA employees will no longer be allowed to open the main access gate except in emergency situations.

Click here for phone numbers for personnel should maintenance problems or gate malfunctions occur during or after business hours.

When entering or exiting the lake at the main gate, please allow the gate to open and close completely.  If a card is swiped before gate has closed fully it can cause the gate to malfunction.  When this occurs the gate can remain open or not operate at all.  This causes a breach in security and at times money for repairs. Thank you for your cooperation.

Phil Fuller, Lake Manager


(As of 11/16/17)

Largemouth bass (16" and less) should be harvested, up to a total of 5 fish per person per day.

Bream harvest should be limited to 15 fish per person per day.

Crappie harvest should be limited to 50 fish per person per day.

Harvest all catfish caught.

Remove all gar, carp, and bowfin/grinnell.


Building permits are required for any new construction, also any exterior modification of existing buildings.  A permit is also required for piers, seawalls, fences, signs and certain types of lot landscaping.  Please contact a member of the Architectural Review Committee for further information.

LAKE RULE CONCERNING PETS:  ALL pets are to be kept on the owner's property or under the control of the owner at all times.  Barking or loose dogs will be considered a nuisance and can result in penalties for the LEOA Member.  Your neighbor does not want your pets on their property.

Only bagged household garbage is to be placed into the dumpsters.  Please be sure it gets "INTO" the dumpster. Your cooperation is needed.

Please keep a current mailing address, email address and phone number at the Lake Office. If your mailing address, email address or phone number changes, and we aren't notified, we cannot get in touch with you.